Stripes for days

Hey guys and happy Wednesday!!

   Okay, so today I'm gonna help lighten up those mid week blues. A good way to do so is stripes. They go with everything! And my particular look was for a little pre-tournament Jack and his team were in the other day. I went with a long sleeve striped tee because the games started early and I knew it would still be cool. I also opted for some dark wash distressed skinnys and tie up sandals. Let me just tell ya, t-ball is no joke. Even for 3 & 4 year old's. Bless their hearts, they had 3 games back to back. They were over it after thirty minutes into the first game. Too bad playing with dirt and catching butterflies won't get ya any points! And I've said before, I'm not a big meat eater and I had a concession stand corn dog. The thoughts that went through my mind while eating it, I'm seriously surprised I didn't up chuck.

   So, Jack's team ended up coming in 4th place out of 6 teams. As a mom, you can't help but be proud regardless of the outcome. Every mom wants their babe to win and excel at everything but that's life. Plus, this is just Jack's first year and to me, he's done so well and has so much potential! After his last game we came home so Henley could nap and Cory could take some blog pics. I was desperately wanting to go to Gatlinburg but that didn't happen. We ended up at Aubrey's and Henley (I'm not even kidding) had two...T W O loaves of bread, half a grilled cheese and half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and some fries. Chick was still going for more bread but I change the diapers so I cut her off.

   When we returned home, Cory always takes Jack for a bath and I take Henley. As soon as that water hit my scalp, talk about blacking out. I was burnt to a crisp, and so was my right wrist....random? Henley had little rosey cheeks and Jack was just red. #MomWin I felt horrible but know that won't be the last time because the ball field is now our second home and I love it. So, stashing up on sunblock for like the next ever! Hope you guys enjoyed today's post and all outfit details are listed below!!
Tamara Rose

pearl choker // horn choker sold out but similar here // stripe tee // skinny's // sandals // tote in camel



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