A little bit about Tamara Rose
Hey guys!
I hope y'all are having a wonderful day! Today, I am changing it up a little and I did a litte Q + A about myself so my followers can get to know me a little better! I hope you all enjoy!
A: CLEAN! I am so OCD about a clean house. I have come to term that my house will not remain spotless with two toddlers running around. But the first day I have a clean house is a glorious one. Also, if I could clean the house while they're sleeping then I would have more time with them when they're awake. Wishful thinking!
Q: What job would you be terrible at?
A: A lawyer! The $$ may be great but I absolutely LOATHE confrontation and am so passive. Which honestly isn't always good but I'm working on that. A girl's gotta stand her ground when need be! And then there's a cop, I hear the things my husband deals with on the daily, I couldn't do it. Plus, he always has a target on his back...I couldn't do that either.
Q: What is the most annoying habit that other people have?
A: I have a few. First would have to be, I really dislike when someone with insecurity issues tries to break others down that are happy. Second, when someone tells me how to parent and / or gets onto my kids when I'm like right there, super annoying and rude actually. Third, MANNERS people. Open the door for others, say please, you're welcome and thank you! It makes the world a sweeter place and keep those mouths closed when you chew!
Q: What job do you think you’d be really good at?
A: Actually, my dream job has always been to be a paleontologist. I've always thought the job would be fascinating and fun for an independent / patient person like me. Obviously will never happen but a girl can dream!
Q: Are you usually early or late?
A: HA! This one cracks me up actually. People often misjudge me (shame on you) because I always like to be well put together for the day no matter what comes my way. I am ALWAYS early and almost always the first one on scene. Seriously, I wake up before the kids do, get myself ready, and then get them up and ready to go. Now, if my husband is with us, then expect us to be at least 15 minutes late (drives me nuts). I don't get it either, dude's got no hair so I don't know what his excuse is. I just feel that showing up a little before being on time is a courtesy thing and shows that I care about my time spent with the other person whether it's a doctor visit or whatever.
Q: When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?
A: Umm, 3 things. First being relationship advice. My husband and I have been together half our lives and we continue to make it work. It's not always easy being married to a cope but I truly believe my personality type being "I can do it myself" helps a whole lot with our situation. He works a lot and there are many times when it's just me. I've never had an issue with that, he brings home the bread and I hold down the fort. It works well for us and we have so much fun together and he's truly my best friend! Second, fashion / makeup questions...which is personally my favorite. I feel like I have some knowledge there (makeup) given my aesthetician background, therefore I feel totally confident in talking about it and flattered! Last thing, parenting advice. Both my kids are easy, go with the flow babes. I feel the main reason is because I am so chill with them. I'm sure as they get older, issues will happen but we will cross that bridge when we get there. I will never be one to just throw out my opinion without being asked first. I personally feel that if someone wants advice, then they will eventually ask. I am by no means a know it all and honestly, parenting is a daily learning experience. Even when our kids are older and have kids of their own, we will still be taking in new things. Every household is different as well as every child. What works for me, may not work with you, so I just keep to myself until asked.
Q: What are some small things that make your day better?
A: Forehead kisses from my husband, when Jack minds me and when Henley isn't teething...if we're being totally honest! I should answer this same question next week, I'm sure the answer would change. Oh, and getting packages in the mail, duh!
Q: What shows are you into?
A: my favorite is Pretty Little Liars which is in it's last season, BOO! I've been all about it since day one. I also love the American Horror Story series. I am a sucker for scary stuff. And my husband and I love The Walking Dead and Gotham. Those shows we refuse to watch without each other. Also, one of my sweet friends introduced me to Shameless and now I am shamelessly binge watching that on Netflix, it's raunchy but so good.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
A: I am most looking forward to watching my babes grow, watch my husband's career continue to grow, bring another babe into the world and hopefully (finger's crossed) watch my blog thrive!
Q: What quirks do you have?
A: I would say the biggest one is that I am an introvert to a T. I hate that I am like that because most have the misconception that I am stuck up. I am actually really grounded. I believe that's why I like blogging so much. I don't have to face anyone while doing it, but I can still be myself. Now, ask my closest people about how I am, and they will probably say, I'm funny, caring, and easy to talk to. At least that's what I'd like to think anyway. Now, if I have met someone and I don't really talk to them after that then 9 times out of 10, I just don't like them and always for good reasoning. (talked behind my back, messed with my family, inappropriate towards my husband) I get along with everyone despite differences and I always try to find the good in every person I come across. But I am not a good arse kisser either and can't be fake nice. I just shut down and don't talk, so yeah...
Q: What fad or trend do you hope comes back?
A: There are several things I could list here but it won't stop me from trying to being it back myself ;)
Q: What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?
A: I wouldn't say luck, I don't believe in that. I would say a tragedy turned blessing. One day I may open up about it but for now I will just say it allowed Cory and I to pay off our forever home and my car before the age of 30.
Q: What age do you want to live to?
A: I don't really care what age, I just want to die before Cory because I couldn't imagine life without him. He's my comfort and I would lose myself without him.
Q: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?
A: I tend to be a lady but sometimes I just have to burp like a dude and better than a dude. Sounds gross but it's totes impressive.
Q: What was the best compliment you’ve received?
A: That I inspired someone to be a better them. I feel like that is one of my purposes in this life. I love to help people be the best them they can be.
Q: What song or artist do you like but rarely admit to liking?
A: Taylor Swift, HA! I love singing to her songs. I am actually a 90's music lover (bring Hootie back). But country and rap come in a close second and then there's Taylor.
Q: What’s something you are self-conscious about?
A: my love handles, so gross in my opinion.
Q: What personality trait do you value most and which do you dislike the most?
A: Most valued would have to be caring. I'm a softy and I think people sense that and are automatically drawn to me. Seriously, people just open up to me and I listen. My most disliked would have to be perfecting everything, mainly my schedule. It mostly depends on the day but if plans don't go how I wanted them to then I go into straight up panic mode.
Q: What gets you fired up?
A: The same things listed before, an insecure person bringing others down. I think everyone needs to be happy in their own skin. If you're not, then only you can change that. Don't try to bring others down because they ARE happy. That's just my Christian mind though. And when people copy me, I find it super flattering unless you try to make it seem like it was all you or don't give credit where credit is due. And don't be a hater in the process either. I will always be the first to give credit when inspiration hits me from someone else, it's just the proper thing to do. Also, un-classy women. There's always boundaries you do not cross, some women just don't care and that's very off putting. Those few things are not very attractive and will make my blood pressure go up quicker than anything. I am a red head after all and yes, strawberry blonde counts!
Q: When do you feel truly “alive”?
A: When I am in the mountains with my family. I feel so free and just happy. Windows down, sunroof open, blaring country music, Honey by my side, babes in back...that's my description of a perfect day. Just driving around and taking in God's creation. I've said before I'd choose the mountains over any beach and that still holds true, always will.
Q: Which of your scars has the best story behind it?
A: I have a scar on my chin that I received due to trying to pop a wheely on my Barbie bike with the training wheels still attached. Go big or go home, or just go to the ER and get stitches.
Q: What’s the best thing about you?
A: My butt, well at least Cory thinks so. I personally think it's my passion to help others be their best!
Q: If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?
A: You know that smell your kids have when returning from outside. That smell. I always loved being outside and playing. I was also a bit of a tomboy believe it or not. I pray my Henley girl turns out like that. Girlie but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. And FYI, I loved to fish and still do.
Q: What’s the most immature thing that you do?
A: Letting situations get to me, especially one's that are out of my control. I think staying home now is a big factor because I'm not as busy as I used to be. But God and I are working on it.
Q: What gives your life meaning?
A: Easy, my people. My little tribe that I live for.
There you have it, my quirks, what I dislike and what I love. I hope you enjoyed today's post! If you have any questions you wanna know about me, then just ask, I'm an open book! Have a blessed day!
Tamara Rose
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