Denim + Floral boho
Hey guys,
I hope you all are having a wonderful first day of fall!!! Today I am going full blown boho chic and loving every minute of it. I love adding a floppy hat to my outfits because it can completely change the entire look. Today I added it to my denim top that I knotted to make more of a crop top and my floral skirt. I feel like I need to be going to Bonnaroo or something in this get up. Never been though, don't ever want to. I'm just too chill for that atmosphere.
Okay, so this whole knotted top look has changed my life you guys. I've been so weird about trying it and now I'm mad at myself for not trying it sooner. It totally shows off what ya mama gave ya and in the perfect way. I've always loved high waisted bottoms anything because they're super flattering so to add that PLUS a knotted top is totes perfection. It shows off the right amount of curve without actually showing any skin which is my cup of tea. I paired this look with some booties I purchased last fall but they are still in stock so YAY! I love them so much because they aren't too high and the heel is different looking, which I like. They also have a nice buckle detail around the top to dress them up. And of course, I couldn't go full on BoHo without my Dooney LuLu satchel. Okay guys, I hope you all enjoyed today's post and all links are below. Love y'all so much and hope you have a blessed day!
Tamara Rose

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