Our Love Story
Hello world,
I hope your day is treating you well! Today, I am blogging about how my husband and I met. You see, today marks 15 years that we have been together. I am 29 and he is 30, so over half my lifetime for me and exactly half his lifetime for him. In today's world, I consider that to be quite an accomplishment. Don't get me wrong, our relationship hasn't been perfect and in fact we have had tons of ups and downs. But, through it all...our love only grew stronger and continues to do so daily. Hope you all enjoy our love story, it's kind of my favorite.
Before we get started, you need to know I totally believe in fate. Everything happens for a reason, both good and bad, only to get us where we need to be in life. Having said that, I attended the church my husband and I now attend today as a family of 4. I used to go every Sunday with my grandfather and grandmother when I was in elementary school and we always sat in the same pew. On the other side of the same pew, was my mother-in-law, father-in-law and one of my brothers-in-law. Little did I know at the time, we would all be family one day. You see, my grandfather was saved later on in life. He had a heart of gold and I think of him daily. I often wonder what it would be like if he were here and able to interact with his great grandchildren. I do find it very comforting though in knowing he watches over us. I hope I make him proud! Okay, now keep in mind this last paragraph...
It was the end of September in 2002. I was in the 8th grade and my grandmother thought it was time I attend Wednesday nights at church with her so I could go to youth and meet new people that have the same love for God as me. The first Wednesday, I chickened out. After church, choir practice took place so I went with my Nana and did some homework while she sang her heart out. A teenage girl approached me after choir and invited me to youth the following Wednesday. I asked her to wait outside of the fellowship hall so I wouldn't have to walk in alone...y'all, I am so shy! Well, she didn't. After choir that night she asked why I didn't come and I simply said you didn't wait outside, lol. Needless to say, the next week she was outside waiting when we pulled up for church.
We walked into the fellowship hall and all the chairs were sitting in a circle, so I walked over and took a seat. We were the first one's there besides the youth pastor, Benji. A few minutes later, all the other youth started rolling in. The last one's to make their appearance were a posse of boys following after this super hot dude with curly, shaggy brown hair...the most amazing chiseled chin I ever did see and beautiful brown eyes. I asked my friend, is that Cory Phillips?! She was like yeah, my response was, "Wow, he's changed a lot!" You see,back in the day when I was in elementary school going to church, he was chunky and had a mullet...haha. I still give him a hard time about that one. I actually couldn't stand the site of him because he thought he was so cool walking around with his little crew all flocking behind him...just like when I saw him years later.
Being in the 8th grade, everyone is awkward. I was going through the whole 'I wanna start being girly' phase and my mom had put a few highlights in my hair, I was wearing lip gloss and mascara...and a ribbon tied in my hair...always. Y'all remember when that was a thing?! There were 0 guys at my school that were interested in me and I was boy crazy and quickly becoming obsessed with the guy sitting across from me at youth. I noticed he and all of his buddies kept staring at me and I was getting super paranoid that something was on my face or they just thought I was so ugly. Literally, I was shaking because I was so cold but sweating profusely from being so nervous of my current situation. Then, the youth pastor wanted us to play a game called 'Telephone' so we could all see what it was like for rumors to spread so easily. The chair to my left was empty and then here walks over my man crush everyday and sits right next to me. I didn't know if I was gonna puke or pee my pants. Then I thought oh crap! I hope I cleaned my ears out! Haha, not even kidding guys!
After youth was over, he came and talked to me and I could barely make eye contact and I'm sure I was stuttering like none other. He was under the impression I was in high school at a nearby location and then shocked when I mentioned I was still in the 8th grade. From that moment on, I didn't miss a Wednesday night youth class, and neither did he. Over the next few weeks he didn't say a lot and I had a friend that attended the same school as him get the low down on if he liked me or not. He was supposed to ask me for my number the week before Halloween, so I waited...and waited. He finally approached me and asked for my number and screen name. And please don't count back but we started dating when AOL instant messenger was a thing...oh my gosh! Haha, like Myspace didn't even exist yet! I remember my mom had just had my little half sister on Halloween and it was a week later, November 7th and I was on AIM and heard the door open letting me know someone had just signed on...it was him! HairBearBuddy was his screen name and Pinkglitter625 was mine. Corny and quite skanky, I know. He never instant messaged me. So I signed off hoping he would hear the door close and then sign back on hearing the door open back up...if you were born anytime after 1992, then you will have no clue what I'm talking about. To my surprise, he sent me a message asking if it was Tamara. He asked all the basic questions, favorite color...birthday...favorite song...will you be my girlfriend? Not even kidding!
We literally went months holding the phone to our ear every night and just listening to each other breath. We never talked, but just hearing each other breath was good enough for us. You see, not only am I shy, but Cory is too! I always jokingly tell everyone we're not stuck up, just mutes. But I will say this, Cory is the funniest person I know and he always keeps me grounded and keeps me laughing. One of the many reasons I know we have lasted so long. Having dated since middle school and high school, there were a lot of breakups, mainly on my part. But he always waited for me to come to my senses and thank God for that. Now, looking back...I know God played the main role in our love story but I can't help but think my grandfather did as well. Here we are 15 years and two kids later and I still feel like I'm living in a fairy tale daily. He's my prince charming for life! Yes, they do exist! Hope you all enjoyed our little love story! Have a wonderful day and God bless!
Tamara Rose
Enjoy some of my favorite pictures of us throughout the years!

I hope your day is treating you well! Today, I am blogging about how my husband and I met. You see, today marks 15 years that we have been together. I am 29 and he is 30, so over half my lifetime for me and exactly half his lifetime for him. In today's world, I consider that to be quite an accomplishment. Don't get me wrong, our relationship hasn't been perfect and in fact we have had tons of ups and downs. But, through it all...our love only grew stronger and continues to do so daily. Hope you all enjoy our love story, it's kind of my favorite.
Before we get started, you need to know I totally believe in fate. Everything happens for a reason, both good and bad, only to get us where we need to be in life. Having said that, I attended the church my husband and I now attend today as a family of 4. I used to go every Sunday with my grandfather and grandmother when I was in elementary school and we always sat in the same pew. On the other side of the same pew, was my mother-in-law, father-in-law and one of my brothers-in-law. Little did I know at the time, we would all be family one day. You see, my grandfather was saved later on in life. He had a heart of gold and I think of him daily. I often wonder what it would be like if he were here and able to interact with his great grandchildren. I do find it very comforting though in knowing he watches over us. I hope I make him proud! Okay, now keep in mind this last paragraph...
It was the end of September in 2002. I was in the 8th grade and my grandmother thought it was time I attend Wednesday nights at church with her so I could go to youth and meet new people that have the same love for God as me. The first Wednesday, I chickened out. After church, choir practice took place so I went with my Nana and did some homework while she sang her heart out. A teenage girl approached me after choir and invited me to youth the following Wednesday. I asked her to wait outside of the fellowship hall so I wouldn't have to walk in alone...y'all, I am so shy! Well, she didn't. After choir that night she asked why I didn't come and I simply said you didn't wait outside, lol. Needless to say, the next week she was outside waiting when we pulled up for church.
We walked into the fellowship hall and all the chairs were sitting in a circle, so I walked over and took a seat. We were the first one's there besides the youth pastor, Benji. A few minutes later, all the other youth started rolling in. The last one's to make their appearance were a posse of boys following after this super hot dude with curly, shaggy brown hair...the most amazing chiseled chin I ever did see and beautiful brown eyes. I asked my friend, is that Cory Phillips?! She was like yeah, my response was, "Wow, he's changed a lot!" You see,back in the day when I was in elementary school going to church, he was chunky and had a mullet...haha. I still give him a hard time about that one. I actually couldn't stand the site of him because he thought he was so cool walking around with his little crew all flocking behind him...just like when I saw him years later.
Being in the 8th grade, everyone is awkward. I was going through the whole 'I wanna start being girly' phase and my mom had put a few highlights in my hair, I was wearing lip gloss and mascara...and a ribbon tied in my hair...always. Y'all remember when that was a thing?! There were 0 guys at my school that were interested in me and I was boy crazy and quickly becoming obsessed with the guy sitting across from me at youth. I noticed he and all of his buddies kept staring at me and I was getting super paranoid that something was on my face or they just thought I was so ugly. Literally, I was shaking because I was so cold but sweating profusely from being so nervous of my current situation. Then, the youth pastor wanted us to play a game called 'Telephone' so we could all see what it was like for rumors to spread so easily. The chair to my left was empty and then here walks over my man crush everyday and sits right next to me. I didn't know if I was gonna puke or pee my pants. Then I thought oh crap! I hope I cleaned my ears out! Haha, not even kidding guys!
After youth was over, he came and talked to me and I could barely make eye contact and I'm sure I was stuttering like none other. He was under the impression I was in high school at a nearby location and then shocked when I mentioned I was still in the 8th grade. From that moment on, I didn't miss a Wednesday night youth class, and neither did he. Over the next few weeks he didn't say a lot and I had a friend that attended the same school as him get the low down on if he liked me or not. He was supposed to ask me for my number the week before Halloween, so I waited...and waited. He finally approached me and asked for my number and screen name. And please don't count back but we started dating when AOL instant messenger was a thing...oh my gosh! Haha, like Myspace didn't even exist yet! I remember my mom had just had my little half sister on Halloween and it was a week later, November 7th and I was on AIM and heard the door open letting me know someone had just signed on...it was him! HairBearBuddy was his screen name and Pinkglitter625 was mine. Corny and quite skanky, I know. He never instant messaged me. So I signed off hoping he would hear the door close and then sign back on hearing the door open back up...if you were born anytime after 1992, then you will have no clue what I'm talking about. To my surprise, he sent me a message asking if it was Tamara. He asked all the basic questions, favorite color...birthday...favorite song...will you be my girlfriend? Not even kidding!
We literally went months holding the phone to our ear every night and just listening to each other breath. We never talked, but just hearing each other breath was good enough for us. You see, not only am I shy, but Cory is too! I always jokingly tell everyone we're not stuck up, just mutes. But I will say this, Cory is the funniest person I know and he always keeps me grounded and keeps me laughing. One of the many reasons I know we have lasted so long. Having dated since middle school and high school, there were a lot of breakups, mainly on my part. But he always waited for me to come to my senses and thank God for that. Now, looking back...I know God played the main role in our love story but I can't help but think my grandfather did as well. Here we are 15 years and two kids later and I still feel like I'm living in a fairy tale daily. He's my prince charming for life! Yes, they do exist! Hope you all enjoyed our little love story! Have a wonderful day and God bless!
Tamara Rose
Enjoy some of my favorite pictures of us throughout the years!

This picture was taken at my 16th birthday back in 2004...we were just babies. Braceface + Greg Brady y'all! haha! Cory's hair was what first attracted me to him. Now he shaves his head...good thing he keeps me laughing and treats me like a princess! Aww, love you honey!

This is the day we said I do...February 27th, 2010.

This picture was taken after our miscarriage and were about to find out we were pregnant with out sweet Baby J

Baby announcement pictures + 12 weeks pregnant! Shortly after this picture I gained SO MUCH weight! It's like I couldn't control my food intake and ate so many things I would typically turn my nose at the site of...like ham. So gross, but Jack is addicted to ham and eats it daily. Funny how that works, huh?

Celebrating Jack's first birthday, Mickey Mouse themed because he was SO obsessed!

This is probably my favorite picture of us for two reasons. The first being, this was probably my favorite vacation ever, just us and our Baby Jack. He was barely one and still not walking. This was taken on 4th of July in Panama City on the beach waiting for the fireworks to start. Cory had facial hair because we were on vacation so he didn't have to shave for work. And I was in the best shape of my life. We leave for the beach again in just 1 week and cannot wait to see Henley walk in the sand for the first time. Last time she was at the beach, she was just 6 months, barely sitting up on her own and still nursing! Can't wait to see her sweet reaction!

My boys and me!

Our sweet family of 4, just fyi...we're not finished yet ;)

Last year's beach trip to Panama City...look at our little babes!

Most recent picture of just us. We have a few more wrinkles and a little less hair than we used to but so many good memories to tell and more life to look forward to! Can't imagine walking through this life without you by my side Cory, you just make everything that much better!
My goodness, ya'll are such a sweet couple! Easily one of the best love stories up there with Cinderella! Wishing ya'll another beautiful and blessed year of marriage! (And sorry for the exclamation marks haha I just get so giddy reading love stories!)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!!! I totally get all the !!!!!!, I adore love stories too!