Why I use Nano Glutathione
Hey babes,
Today's post is going to be a little different from my typical fashion post. If you follow me on the Gram, then you know I also have a passion for all things health and beauty. Today, I am going to introduce you to a new product that helps to achieve both an all-in-one simple molecule.
When Nano-Glutathione (the master antioxidant) reached out, you better believe I did my research before committing to work with them. I will never represent a brand that I don't believe in. So, having done all the research, I decided to give them a try. They have all the science to back it up and the reviews were all amazing. I didn't want to miss out on the health benefits this product had to offer.
What all does this little molecule offer? Well, with it's sub-lingual absorption it allows the antioxidants to effectively protect you from disease, helps with anti-aging, ups your metabolism game, and detoxifies organs ALL while energizing your body. To receive these benefits, simply take 1 ml once daily from the bottle. What used to be absorbed by needle injection only, has now been modified and can be absorbed by dropping the dose under your tongue, so you can start feeling your best. Keep reading along to find out if all the above truly worked for me.
DISEASE PROTECTION - With all the sickness that comes with the cooler months, I literally become a hermit with my two babes. We have had our fair share of late night Children's ER visits and are currently still paying on all the bills that come with that. I decided I was going to test this product out by venturing into society a little more often. What did I learn? Well, having been more social, I didn't contract anything out there just waiting for me to catch. I knew I would get sick...because I always do. But nope, absolutely NOTHING! I did get the occasional runny nose from breathing in the cold air but that's to be expected!
ANTI-AGING - I can't say that this helps with anti-aging because I would be lying, I haven't been using the product long enough to tell you ladies that. But, I can say my skin never felt better: no breakouts, it felt soft, and absolutely no dryness. That's saying a lot about my skin, especially this time of year. Having my aesthetician license, I can at least say this: the more moisture you skin produces, the less wrinkles you will end up getting over time. So, in a sense, I can see this as being an anti-aging product just because my skin had more moisture than what I have ever noticed before.
METABOLISM - I couldn't have received this product at a better time, especially since it helps with metabolism. I have this theory...the less you eat (self control) and depending on the time of day you eat, you will lose and/or maintain a healthy weight. If I eat sweets, I prefer them before the afternoon so I will have worked them off before bed. I don't eat a lot of bread and I am huge on veggies by default. I very seldom eat meat. This whole lifestyle works for me, but it won't everyone of course. Having said all this, I did none of the above for Thanksgiving which is why I stated this product showed up just in time, lol. I thought it would be the perfect chance to get my eating back on track and so it did! I didn't overindulge or crave all the bad things like I did after I had a day full of non-stop eating. Have you ever heard, if you don't eat it, you won't crave it? SO TRUE! My little food baby went away after about a week of ingesting this product and hello flat tummy!
DETOXIFYING ORGANS - Now, I can't say if it truly does this because I can't see my insides, but I do know my potty breaks increased a lot and in my opinion, that means your body is releasing all the bad things.
ENERGIZING - Saving the best for last beacause #momlife over here! Not only did this help with my energy levels, it also made me more alert, which is key in my daily life. Between two babes constantly needing something and my side hustle, I tend to go crazy at times! Balance has been a major issue lately for me and a lot of it is because of my energy and not being able to get my "head out of the clouds" so to speak. It has been hard. I truly believe this product helps with all of this because it is the only change I have made, so it just makes sense!
Overall, would I recommend this product? Absolutely! I couldn't believe how much better I have felt since taking Nano-Glutathione. I am so glad I decided to take a leap of faith and try it! I have been a much happier person and also more pleasant to be around too! (insert husband's AMEN!) If you are on the fence, I strongly urge you to do your research and read ALL the reviews! Here's a link in order to do so Nano-glutathione , I promise you wont be disappointed! Hope you all enjoyed today's blog post and have a blessed day!
Tamara Rose
Today's post is going to be a little different from my typical fashion post. If you follow me on the Gram, then you know I also have a passion for all things health and beauty. Today, I am going to introduce you to a new product that helps to achieve both an all-in-one simple molecule.
When Nano-Glutathione (the master antioxidant) reached out, you better believe I did my research before committing to work with them. I will never represent a brand that I don't believe in. So, having done all the research, I decided to give them a try. They have all the science to back it up and the reviews were all amazing. I didn't want to miss out on the health benefits this product had to offer.
ANTI-AGING - I can't say that this helps with anti-aging because I would be lying, I haven't been using the product long enough to tell you ladies that. But, I can say my skin never felt better: no breakouts, it felt soft, and absolutely no dryness. That's saying a lot about my skin, especially this time of year. Having my aesthetician license, I can at least say this: the more moisture you skin produces, the less wrinkles you will end up getting over time. So, in a sense, I can see this as being an anti-aging product just because my skin had more moisture than what I have ever noticed before.
METABOLISM - I couldn't have received this product at a better time, especially since it helps with metabolism. I have this theory...the less you eat (self control) and depending on the time of day you eat, you will lose and/or maintain a healthy weight. If I eat sweets, I prefer them before the afternoon so I will have worked them off before bed. I don't eat a lot of bread and I am huge on veggies by default. I very seldom eat meat. This whole lifestyle works for me, but it won't everyone of course. Having said all this, I did none of the above for Thanksgiving which is why I stated this product showed up just in time, lol. I thought it would be the perfect chance to get my eating back on track and so it did! I didn't overindulge or crave all the bad things like I did after I had a day full of non-stop eating. Have you ever heard, if you don't eat it, you won't crave it? SO TRUE! My little food baby went away after about a week of ingesting this product and hello flat tummy!
DETOXIFYING ORGANS - Now, I can't say if it truly does this because I can't see my insides, but I do know my potty breaks increased a lot and in my opinion, that means your body is releasing all the bad things.
ENERGIZING - Saving the best for last beacause #momlife over here! Not only did this help with my energy levels, it also made me more alert, which is key in my daily life. Between two babes constantly needing something and my side hustle, I tend to go crazy at times! Balance has been a major issue lately for me and a lot of it is because of my energy and not being able to get my "head out of the clouds" so to speak. It has been hard. I truly believe this product helps with all of this because it is the only change I have made, so it just makes sense!
Tamara Rose
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