Cracking Down 💪🏻

Hey guys,
   Happy Fri-YAY to you all!!!! As promised earlier this week, I've come up with a solution to get my threenager in check. After the whole peeing on Mommy incident, he woke up Tuesday morning with a horrible attitude. Henley loves getting in the floor to play with Jack after she's done eating breakfast every day. This particular day was no different. They were both playing with the same stuffed animal and Henley lost her balance and fallen on the toy. Jack started shaking (I kid you not) and screamed as loud as he could in Henley's ear that she ruined it! She didn't ruin anything, it's just Jack's mindset right now. So again, I busted his little booty because it was necessary in this case and sent him to his room in the dark. He just hopped right into his bed like nothing had happened. I let him stay in there
for about 10 minutes.

   After the time had passed, I went to check on him and I asked him if he knew why he was in time out. He knew why he was and I wanted him to tell me why. He of course shut down and said he didn't want to talk about it, like he often does. I was quickly losing what little patience I had left. As a my opinion, patience is one of the hardest things to maintain. I used to be a lot better about it, but as Jack's gotten older, he KNOWS what he's doings do it completely erks me. And while we're on this subject, 3's are SO SO SO much worse than 2's. Momma's that haven't experienced it yet, pray that time slow down 😂

   So, back to Jack not explaining to me what he had done. I would go and come back to check on him after several minutes and each time he still wouldn't answer me. As I'm standing in the doorway of his room getting more gray hairs by the second, a lightbulb went off. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a trash bag and literally ran back to him. I went straight for the toys and just started cramming everythingI could into that trash bag. This is 100% true, his response, "That's okay Mom, I have too many toys anyway." He was so calm. Thankfully I hadn't gotten to his good toys yet, but when I did, que the water works 🙌🏻 Mission freaking accomplished! Please don't judge but it felt amazing, FINALLY, I was getting somewhere with this. One of my worst fears as a parent is raising him up to be a brat. I believe in spanking your child. I believe spanking your child should only be done if it's peeing on your mom 😳 I believe there's a time and place for it, in public isn't one of them...unless it's in a bathroom where there is privacy. Again, just this momma's opinion. After all, I want my kid to be disciplined but I want him to know I love him and don't beat him every chance I get. Otherwise, I could count on all fingers and toes in a day if that were the case!

   This whole mom thing is hard. I feel like it's really JUST NOW getting to be like that. I don't know if I was just blessed with really good kids or what. I've always heard boys are full of energy constantly and need to release it some how and maybe being mean is Jack's way of doing so? I don't know, but we will get through this, one favorite toy at a time 😉 Plus, he turns 4 in May so maybe YAY, maybe not. We will see. But for now, I'm gonna love him always, correct him a lot and soak up every memory good or bad. There's always blackmail after all! Hope you all enjoyed this post and if you find your threenager acting out...take away the toys!!!!!!



  1. Boys will give you a run for your money! Last week I told mine (who is 9 btw) to clean his room or I was throwing everything in the floor away... he thought for a minute and then said "you can clean it mom". It's a miracle I didn't burn the house down at that point! Lol

  2. Ahhh girl, please tell me girls are easier?!

  3. Sorry, but in may case the girl was and still is a LOT worse, she has all the same issues as boys with lots of sass! I tell her often that Gad made her have braces so she would still have teeth, otherwise I would have knocked them out by now. Good thing I have money invested in that smart mouth of hers. Now we have hormones to also cope with...all the joys of parenting. My kids are my life and I cannot imagine my life without them, but I like you also believe in spanking-when necessary, and structure. Putting toys in a trash bag brings back memories, I made mine "earn" them back with chores. :) Keep up the good work.

    1. oh NOOOO!!! Henley already has attitude at 1 and she can't even talk yet! And thank you for the idea to earn the toys back, my hiding spot is slowly losing space. And sometimes the only thing that will get Jack's attention is spanking him!!


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